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GENDER: Female
SEXUALITY: Heterosexual
MATE: Dogmeat
COMMISSIONED FROM: Rana on 2/13/2016 
PERSONALITY:​ Serious, Gloomy, Selfish/Greedy in an unknowing way, Snubs other people's interests if it's not what she's into.

Anubia pretty selfish and gloomy if you don't really know her, but boy oh boy, once you do you've only seen the tip of the iceberg. She is extremely enthusiastic about her interests, and snubs anyone else who has an opposing one. She stays up all night scouring the internet for new jams that none of her friends know about. Her current favorite artist is Sunbeam Sound Machine.


When she's not looking for music, she's playing video games. Her favorite game is Smite where you can play the Egyptian god Anubis, and we all know much she adores him. She always tries to admit it's not an obsession to her friends, but from the looks of all the candles surrounding a large bust painting of the God in her room suggest otherwise.


She is a huge fan of Vinesauce Joel. He is known for playing tons of hacked retro games for his fanbase on Twitch and Youtube. It always makes Anubia smile when she watches one of his hilarious videos.

Mates with Dogmeat


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